Wednesday 18 May 2011

there was no one but you,

6! SIX! Round things of six!
imitations, i sat there, he sat there with those mystical, fired eye which held passion, which held pain,
why would it be green? she needs to open her eyes and see far and beyond into the thickness of her soul and the, fuck!

i missed my stop, my chance , my one and only destination, so it starts getting complicated and there's no one but you, and your not even here.
and you dont even smile, and i start bleeding salty punctuations and it screams and hurts and i bleed and you smile.

you smile.

17:11:56 i get it back, its just tere, u wont even get it will you? and the shouting and the screaming and then they,


they start getting affectionate right infront of me, why?

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